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Run Richmond on 11/14

Make your way to RVA on November 14 for the Anthem Richmond Marathon and American Family Fitness Half Marathon. This event will be just as exhilarating to spectate as it will be to run. Granted, you should probably be in the midst of training if you are planning to run either of these distances, but if you don’t think you’ll be prepared by the 14th, still go for a crisp fall day filled with action and excitement (you can still Insta at the finish line and say you ran it... no one will know!).

Richmond is a historic city with beautiful sights and landmarks throughout. Both the marathon and half marathon routes are incredibly scenic and will be filled with thousands of other runners.

And the best part? There is a post race party all participants are invited to!

Not interested in running a distance that’s greater than your shoe size? There is an 8k run (5 miles) also on Saturday morning. You have plenty of time to train for this distance if you carve out a little bit of time in the coming weeks. All finishers receive a race shirt and medal; the proof is in the pudding!

Another great alternative to running one of the actual races is to volunteer. This is the best of both worlds because it requires zero training and you get to experience all of the race day festivities (while sparing yourself a long distance run!). Check out the many race day opportunities here. Your deeds won’t go unrewarded because registered volunteers will also get a free tshirt.

Richmond will be full on energy on Saturday November 14. Regardless of how you get involved, there are plenty of ways to have an exciting fall Saturday in a charming Virginia city. You could even bring your blankets, warm breakfast and coffee to go and sit on the sidelines cheering runners while soaking in the entire race atmosphere or bring your enthusiasm and loud voices to cheer at one of the party zones along the course.

Good luck running/walking/skipping to the finish line! Be sure to share your race day pictures with us by using #myVAweekend.

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